Keurig K-Elite Coffee Maker : All You Need To Know


Now there is strong evidence that three to five cups of coffee a day could reduce several systemic diseases, including multiple types of cancer.

For years, studies have shown a link between the consumption of coffee and increased risks for cancers and increased mortality rates. Sudden changes in these results can raise questions. 

When looking into the change in research Web M.D. discusses that early studies failed to take into consideration other high-risk activities. These associated variables might have been what led to the initial misperception.

Coffee can even bring down the risk of developing some types of cancers.

Coffee may reduce the risk of liver and colorectal cancers in persons who consume 4 or more cups of coffee daily, lowering risks by up to 40% and 15% respectively.

Coffee can also protect your liver and keep it functioning optimally, being able to prevent the likelihood of cirrhosis. Drinking four or more cups per day can reduce the risk of cirrhosis by up to 80%.

The interesting part of a landmark study linking coffee to cancer recurrence was that it analyzed the consumption of non-herbal teas, decaf coffee or single cup of coffee drinks. There was no significant benefit to any of those who drank those beverages. 

The benefit was only seen when two or more caffeinated coffee beverages were drunk daily. And the effect is likely to be even more pronounced with black coffee. CBS News reports that this protection was even higher for those who were drinking four to five cups of coffee daily.

Coffee boosts physical performance. While this is not a direct increase in metabolic rate, what is interesting is the fact that by increasing your physical performance, you indirectly improve your metabolism. 

Especially while you are carrying out weight training, muscle cell mitochondria become more efficient in burning fat for fuel, which in turn keeps us leaner year round. This is another mechanism by which coffee helps lose weight and build muscle. It is the reason many fitness enthusiasts are now viewing the brew with new interest.

Coffee may even help people who already have cancer. While many studies focused on the reduction of risk that coffee can give a person for getting cancer, one unique study looked at the effects of coffee on those who already had cancer. 

This study followed people who were in stage III colon cancer. It found that in those who had remission from their cancer, drinking two cups of coffee daily was associated with a reduced risk of cancer recurrence and even death from colon cancer. 

See this Keurig K-Elite coffee maker review for more information about one of the best coffee machines on the market today.


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